Friday, February 20, 2009

1 – Thou must be curious. Do not be afraid of change, it’s the norm.

Change in the tech world happens quickly and slowly, but the point is that it happens and is unavoidable. The best way to cope is to read, read, read.

Here are some resouces that I use to keep sort of in touch with the tech world:

Tom's hardware ( - One of the most concise and abundant sources of information for all things hardware

CNet ( and - Pretty good place for general news and reviews

Endgadget ( - For all you gadget freaks

Arstechnica - ( - One of my favorite places for general news

Amazon ( - A good place to shop and read user reviews

Digg ( - All kinds of news, tech and non-tech related

Reddit ( -  see Digg

If you're really lazy, use RSS (really simple sindication) to aggregate the news that you consume: - A place to find some of the best RSS  applications for any platform

10 Commandments of all things Computery for normal people

And thus the prophet Deus Ex Machina carried the most sacred written words from on high for his people: 

1 – Thou must be curious. Do not be afraid of change, it’s the norm.
2 – Thou shall patch every 2nd Tuesday of the month if you use Windows. Less regularly if you use a Mac or Linux.
3 – Thou shall change thy passwords monthly,  never share them and do not use the same password for all of your accounts (but don’t store them down insecurely).
4 – Thou shall backup regularly and externally. Purchase an external hard drive and cd/dvd-r’s.
5 – Thou must appreciate and never abuse thine family techy. Just because he/she is family doesn’t translate to 24/7 on-call support.
6 – Thou must purchase a warranty with any new computer, it will save time/money/frustration.
7 – Thou must use anti-virus/firewall software and update it regularly. 
8 – Thou must learn how to read a manual. They are your friends and should be consulted before thine family/friend techy.
9 – Thou must use never login as administrator, this will make the tech gods very angry.
10 – Thou must clean thine computer with canned air at least once a year.