Monday, April 13, 2009

Thou must appreciate and never abuse thine family techy

It's dangerous to be a person with a modicum of technical knowledge, experience and/or work history. This leaves the person wide open to calls and visits from family/friends to fix anything and or anything that uses electricity as it's power source.

Speaking from experience, I have have a wonderful family that appreciates that while I know enough to be dangerous, they know that after spending 8+ hrs a day fixing computer related things, I'm not always in the mood to rush out and fix their computer. While I'm more than glad, I have not been abused that often (mostly because I try not to advertise what I know that often) by those that I know and that makes me more prone to volunteer help.

Here are a couple stories/cartoons that show the plight of the family techie: - the funniest, probably 'cause I'm a nerd

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